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Basic Word Tutorials


Basic Word Tutorials

If you have a question about using Word in your classroom please send email to Internet4Classrooms. Our E-mail addresses can be found below.

  1. Producing documents using Microsoft Word (Task assignment) - This tutorial is an assignment overview for a basic set of modules.
  2. Entering and Editing Text in MS Word - This module gives suggestions about using a bulleted list as part of a document. The explanation is followed by an assignment.
  3. Inserting and Editing Images in MS Word - Learn how to insert an image into a document and create a classroom sign. The explanation is followed by an assignment.
  4. Using Page Options; Orientation, Borders, and Shading - For this lesson you will modify a sign which you created in the last lesson. You will place a border around one line of text, place a border around the entire page, and add shading to selected text.
  5. Part of a Border Won't Print? - Borders often present a problem that is easily solved, but is frustrating until you know about one small adjustment. Use this module to learn about that adjustment.
  6. Using Bullets in Microsoft Word - For this lesson you will create a one page document which includes the use of a bulleted list.
  7. Create a Sign Using Microsoft Word - Use several of the strategies learned in the modules above to make your own one page sign.
  8. Using the Thesaurus - There is a quick way to display possible replacement words for a word you are typing. This module explains how to use the Thesaurus more efficiently than you may have been using it.
  9. Designing a Newsletter Using Microsoft Word - This module suggests another way to incorporate the strategies presented in the modules above.

Internet4classrooms is a collaborative effort by Susan Brooks and Bill Byles.




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